Sunday, February 20, 2011

...where--or is that how--do I start?

I realize you might be thinking....If she's the world's best procrastinator, how can she could ever muster the motivation to actually post something on a blog? Point well taken.....however, if you knew the number of truly important tasks that I'm avoiding as I type, then you'd cut me some slack on this one.

I admire people who possess the discipline to sit down and blog every day...or even every few days.  One of those people is a cousin of mine who has always been, in my opinion, a veritable fount of self-discipline.  This is the girl who, even as a teenager, made her bed and Windexed her bathroom mirror every morning.....and has a law get the picture.

Anyway, by posting regularly I'll be reforming myself......and by not posting regularly...well, anyone who is reading a blog called World's Best Procrastinator probably won't be surprised if my posts are as infrequent as an error-free fast food order....

Thanks for stopping by.....WBP

1 comment:

  1. Windex??? really?? And if I am so "self-disciplined," then why am I overweight?" :) Love you and have added you to blogs I follow. You are my sweet sister-cousin.
